
Pope Won't Be Silenced On Condoms and Neither Will I

Most of the world knows by now the Catholic Church's stance on condoms but enough is enough. If the Catholic Church actually cared about helping those infected with AIDS it wouldn't be condemning one of the best forms of prevention even if it went against their official doctrine. Just because condoms don't work 100% of the time in preventing the spread of HIV is no reason to preach against its use to millions of African people.

But that's exactly what the Vatican is doing. The current pope, on a recent visit to Africa, basically said that condoms aren't the answer and could even make the AIDS pandemic worse.
Here is a direct quote:
"You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it increases the problem."
How, you may ask. Well, apparently, there are tiny holes in condoms that allow the permeation of the virus. Can you believe that? And where exactly does the solution lie according to him?

Abstinence what else. Because that worked so well in America in preventing teen pregnancies. And monogamy too.

Methinks it's time for the Vatican to stop being so goddamn irresponsible and butt out of people's lives.

This world is way overdue for an Atheist/Secular/Humanist organization with billions of dollars at their disposal to combat the Catholic Church's irresponsible influence around the world.
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No Abortions, No Exceptions. Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

This is the stance of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. And he's not fucking kidding. I only have one thing to say to people with his extremist views. VOICE YOUR OPINIONS WHEN YOU GROW A FUCKING UTERUS.

And if you have a uterus and still hold these ridiculous views, well NOBODY FUCKING CARES WHAT YOU THINK, ANYWAY.
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An Unsolicited Religious Letter

My sister received this letter the other day. Someone came to her house and dropped it through her mail slot because she wouldn't answer the door. They actually wrote it by hand, using all capital letters. I don't know how they knew my sisters name but they still spelled it wrong. Anyway, here's the letter (all spelling mistakes are the letter writers').

Dear: My Sisters Name Spelled Incorrectly

my wife and I live in your neighborhood. we have not been able to speak with you personally, but we have some important information that we want to share with you. a sample of it is contained in the enclosed tract.
it is our priveledge to share in a work that is being done by volunteers in upward of 200 lands. In all these lands, people are being invited to benefit from a program that helps people learn the bible's answers to such important questions as: why do we grow old and die? whis is the purpose of life? how can we find real happiness?
we engage in this activity because we are genuinely intrested in our neighbors. our work in not commercial it is our hope that someday soon we will be able to talk to you personally. please feel free to get in touch with us at the above address.

I can't tell you how much I can't stand missionaries. If you're religious, fine but don't go around shoving your religious beliefs in other people's faces. Concentrate on yourself and leave people alone. As to those stupid questions, here is my take. We die because we are born. Like every other living thing, there is a beginning and an end. You can't find happiness. You can only be happy. Do things you enjoy, surround yourself with people you love and you will be happy. And as to the purpose of life. There is no purpose. The question is stupid. The purpose of life is to live. That's it. There is no higher power and there is no other life. You should be satisfied you even got to live once.
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Most of the world knows by now the Catholic Church's stance on condoms but enough is enough. If the Catholic Church actually cared about helping those infected with AIDS it wouldn't be condemning one of the best forms of prevention even if it went against their official doctrine. Just because condoms don't work 100% of the time in preventing the spread of HIV is no reason to preach against its use to millions of African people.

But that's exactly what the Vatican is doing. The current pope, on a recent visit to Africa, basically said that condoms aren't the answer and could even make the AIDS pandemic worse.
Here is a direct quote:

"You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it increases the problem."
How, you may ask. Well, apparently, there are tiny holes in condoms that allow the permeation of the virus. Can you believe that? And where exactly does the solution lie according to him?

Abstinence what else. Because that worked so well in America in preventing teen pregnancies. And monogamy too.

Methinks it's time for the Vatican to stop being so goddamn irresponsible and butt out of people's lives.

This world is way overdue for an Atheist/Secular/Humanist organization with billions of dollars at their disposal to combat the Catholic Church's irresponsible influence around the world.

This is the stance of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. And he's not fucking kidding. I only have one thing to say to people with his extremist views. VOICE YOUR OPINIONS WHEN YOU GROW A FUCKING UTERUS.

And if you have a uterus and still hold these ridiculous views, well NOBODY FUCKING CARES WHAT YOU THINK, ANYWAY.

My sister received this letter the other day. Someone came to her house and dropped it through her mail slot because she wouldn't answer the door. They actually wrote it by hand, using all capital letters. I don't know how they knew my sisters name but they still spelled it wrong. Anyway, here's the letter (all spelling mistakes are the letter writers').

Dear: My Sisters Name Spelled Incorrectly

my wife and I live in your neighborhood. we have not been able to speak with you personally, but we have some important information that we want to share with you. a sample of it is contained in the enclosed tract.
it is our priveledge to share in a work that is being done by volunteers in upward of 200 lands. In all these lands, people are being invited to benefit from a program that helps people learn the bible's answers to such important questions as: why do we grow old and die? whis is the purpose of life? how can we find real happiness?
we engage in this activity because we are genuinely intrested in our neighbors. our work in not commercial it is our hope that someday soon we will be able to talk to you personally. please feel free to get in touch with us at the above address.

I can't tell you how much I can't stand missionaries. If you're religious, fine but don't go around shoving your religious beliefs in other people's faces. Concentrate on yourself and leave people alone. As to those stupid questions, here is my take. We die because we are born. Like every other living thing, there is a beginning and an end. You can't find happiness. You can only be happy. Do things you enjoy, surround yourself with people you love and you will be happy. And as to the purpose of life. There is no purpose. The question is stupid. The purpose of life is to live. That's it. There is no higher power and there is no other life. You should be satisfied you even got to live once.