
Hello, My Name is 'In God'

A Lake County, Illinois man has legally changed his name to In God We Trust. InGod or In God is his first name and WeTrust or We Trust will serve as his last name. How ridiculous can people get? No more ridiculous than Prince I guess who changed his name to a bloody symbol that no one could vocalize.

Isn't it enough to believe in God and go to church anymore? Everyone he comes into contact with will no doubt know how devoted his belief in God really is. What does it matter, for fucking out loud. Maybe I should legally change my name to that of this blog. Any thoughts?

Anyway, the whole point I'm trying to make here is why people, religious and nonreligious alike, find it necessary to label themselves at all. Identity problems, anyone?

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A Lake County, Illinois man has legally changed his name to In God We Trust. InGod or In God is his first name and WeTrust or We Trust will serve as his last name. How ridiculous can people get? No more ridiculous than Prince I guess who changed his name to a bloody symbol that no one could vocalize.

Isn't it enough to believe in God and go to church anymore? Everyone he comes into contact with will no doubt know how devoted his belief in God really is. What does it matter, for fucking out loud. Maybe I should legally change my name to that of this blog. Any thoughts?

Anyway, the whole point I'm trying to make here is why people, religious and nonreligious alike, find it necessary to label themselves at all. Identity problems, anyone?