
It's A Crime To Insult Jesus

Is it a crime to insult Jesus? Apparently so, in Australia anyway. Oh and England too. Maybe it's a crime in Canada too, since it was once British and still has some weird ties to the Mother Country. Probably not since Canada actually has a Bill of Rights, unlike the people down under. Still, Canada's Bill of Rights can be easily manipulated under certain clauses. One can play the "incitement to violence" card in regards to just about any statement one finds offensive or doesn't agree with. An example would be the MacLeans article.

Anyway, since when is blasphemy illegal in secular countries? Why not charge anti-religious books and novels with "offensive behavior"? 'Cause that's what an Australian kid was charged with while wearing a shirt that defamed Jesus. Was he charged with defaming Jesus ben Sirach? Jesus ben Pandira? Jesus ben Ananias? Jesus ben Gamala? Which Jesus was it? Apparently there were a countless number of them. Does it even matter? Did the Christian Jesus even exist? I highly doubt it.

It's time to stop punishing religious dissidents and accord them the same freedom of speech that religious people enjoy.

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Is it a crime to insult Jesus? Apparently so, in Australia anyway. Oh and England too. Maybe it's a crime in Canada too, since it was once British and still has some weird ties to the Mother Country. Probably not since Canada actually has a Bill of Rights, unlike the people down under. Still, Canada's Bill of Rights can be easily manipulated under certain clauses. One can play the "incitement to violence" card in regards to just about any statement one finds offensive or doesn't agree with. An example would be the MacLeans article.

Anyway, since when is blasphemy illegal in secular countries? Why not charge anti-religious books and novels with "offensive behavior"? 'Cause that's what an Australian kid was charged with while wearing a shirt that defamed Jesus. Was he charged with defaming Jesus ben Sirach? Jesus ben Pandira? Jesus ben Ananias? Jesus ben Gamala? Which Jesus was it? Apparently there were a countless number of them. Does it even matter? Did the Christian Jesus even exist? I highly doubt it.

It's time to stop punishing religious dissidents and accord them the same freedom of speech that religious people enjoy.