I hate religion as a whole, and the subordination of women is one reason. No religion has ever been fair to women and that is because it was invented by men who were taught that women were their property and that it was their right to rule over them. Or Jesus was a sexist too. Either way, religion works against women. And ultimately, against all of humanity.
Why the Vatican Sucks
I hate religion as a whole, and the subordination of women is one reason. No religion has ever been fair to women and that is because it was invented by men who were taught that women were their property and that it was their right to rule over them. Or Jesus was a sexist too. Either way, religion works against women. And ultimately, against all of humanity.
Besides the fact that it's a religious patriarchal institution that's worth billions of dollars, it also sucks for threatening to excommunicate women and bishops who dare to ordain them. The Vatican is justifying this double standard by saying that Christ's apostles were all male. So what? Most philosophers and writers were male too. Does that mean that women should be banned from writing and philosophizing forever? I don't think so.
I hate religion as a whole, and the subordination of women is one reason. No religion has ever been fair to women and that is because it was invented by men who were taught that women were their property and that it was their right to rule over them. Or Jesus was a sexist too. Either way, religion works against women. And ultimately, against all of humanity.
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