There was this one woman who came in for an abortion at five and a half months. After the procedure she had the audacity to tell the doctor that she was still a murderer. What a lunatic. Five and a half months? Fucking idiot. What took her so long? I doubt the pregnancy was life-threatening, or she would have used that to justify HER abortion. Frankly, I have a problem with late term abortions unless it is a critical health issue for the mother. If not, then too fucking bad, it's too late now. At 22 weeks, babies can survive outside the womb, but not without problems. Aborting at this stage just because you couldn't make up your mind is wrong.
Most of these anecdotes are just as fucked up as the one above. Women who picket abortion clinics end up coming to the same clinic to get an abortion and then days later return to picketing the same clinic! Shit-for-brains hypocrites. Or like some others, they come in to get an abortion and look down on every other woman who is there to get the procedure, thinking that the other women's reasons are too trivial and only theirs aren't, thus making their abortion a moral one. Yeah, all the others at the clinic enjoy the procedure and use it as a contraceptive. Fucking dumbasses.
I hate these types of women and people in general. If you're anti-choice, pro-life, whatever you call it, that's fine. No one is forcing you to abort. What right do you have to force another woman to have a baby if she doesn't want to. Deciding to get an abortion is not an easy decision and even if it was, so what? It's legal and we don't fucking need your righteousness or your approval. And please refrain from quoting the fucking Bible. That crock of shit condones infanticide and so much other shit, so those who use it to justify the evils of abortion can just shove it up their asses. If the Bible is their moral compass, then that really doesn't say much about them, in my opinion. And one can cut out all the nasty passages and books in the Bible, it still makes no fucking difference. Because a holy book is either holy in its entirety or it is not, and the Bible clearly is not.
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