What are your qualifications to question religion anyway? Just who are you?I wasn't aware any qualifications were necessary in order to have an opinion. What kind of qualifications does the average person need in order to question politicians, scientists, authority? If qualifications are necessary then I will say that I have read the Bible, the good parts and the bad. I have seen and personally felt the consequences of religious beliefs. Does that qualify me? Or do I have to be a preacher, minister, nun, reverend, priest, professor of religion in order to question religion? If I were any of these people, the chances are that I would not question it even if I did not agree with some things, at least not as vocally as atheists tend to do. Religious people rarely criticize their own religions. Yet many have no problem questioning the faiths of others.
I find nothing wrong with questioning religion just like I find nothing wrong with questioning our governments, politicians, courts, police, etc. Since religion affects us all, whether positively or negatively, all of us, as citizens of this world, have the right to question anything that affects our lives. That is what qualifies me to question religion.
As to the second part of this question, I believe I have already answered. I am just a regular person, a citizen, that has the right to question anything that damn well pleases me. That's what freedom of expression is all about.
May 23, 2009 at 7:16 PM
Celeste, you are one surly atheist bitch, and I love you for it. Great blog. I'm thoroughly addicted.
The Godless Bastard